Anna Marie Richards



Your Key Secrets

Personalized Readings

All relationships have strengths and weaknesses. When two people connect, a certain chemistry combines to create an original and novel identity. Learning more about yourself and your partners personality and compatibility can help you form the lasting relationship you are seeking.

Finding current and more modern information can assist you to make better choices. All associations have pluses and minuses. Connecting to a person forms definite chemistry. This combination of elements casts an original and new personality, character, and nature. Knowledge can broaden your scope and give you data that was never before available. This new found material can assist you to judge the validity and significance of yourself and your partner's connection


Lover's vibes corresponds to a chemical equation using both people as elements to create a new formula. hence two personalities connect forming an original and novel identity. Lover's compatibility combines the energies of the couple and fuses them as one. Simultaneously, a new personality emerges.

Thirty-six components comprise the traits and characteristics of the lover's compatibility. Some elements may repeat, giving those characteristics more emphasis and significance and we have arranged the traits to reflect this significance. Three categories of significance are presented called Most Important, More Important and Important. Additionally, extra power reflects a soul mate, mirror, and/or a magic connection. Powered and arranged in a chart, the couple may view their positive and challenging attributes. This part of the chart remains consistent.

Included in the profile are timing factors. The Personal year reflects the primary goal and direction. The personal cycles direct the energies. Reviewing the charts and reading the timing vibes informs the parties involved of the circumstances that may be controlling their lives.

Now get ready for some astonishing information. First, read the definitions of some common terms. then fasten your seat belts and start finding about yourself!

Compatibility Terms and Personality Charts

The following terms are commonly used throughout the reading and are summarized here for your convenience.

Blocks: Challenges, obstacles, detours, lessons that we can work through.

Extra Power: Luck, advantages, strength, etc.

Karmic: Lessons, challenges and gifts are bestowed through payback or pay-off from past ties.

Love: Emotions, family, friends, socialization, harmony, etc.

Master: Capability, competence, expertise, skill.

Money: Your finances, business opportunities, investments, career, etc.

Net Points: The sum of all the power points in the chart average out to reflect a value from 0 to 10.

Numerology: Numerology is the power of numbers, mathematically calculated and designed to shape a personality chart and analyze the past, present, and future. Numbers are assigned to a significance and value. The Your Key Secrets system implements the numbers 1-78. This method relates directly with a tarot card deck. Many numerologists utilize only the numbers one through nine. Implementing a system of seventy-eight numbers is more accurate and descriptive. For example, there are eight different number nines: 9,18,27,36,45,54,63, and 72. Each number represents a distinct and individual importance.

Protective: Defending and watching over each other.

Attraction: The vitality, fitness, endurance, passion, desire, etc. of an individual or couple.

Spiritual: Mind, intellect, psyche, cerebral, etc.

We urge you to review the Glossary

on our site. Should you encounter a term you don't understand or simple wish to learn more, the Glossary will clarify your understanding

The reading also presents information in graphical form to help you better understand the analysis. The analysis takes the information supplied and prepares the reading together with written trait descriptions. the personality reading presents the individual "natural number" descriptions as well.

The charts show the result of a special process, which we call powering. Each of the factors above relates to the combined charts of the individuals. The numbers are then converted to a scale of 0 to 10. Here's how to interpret the numbers.

For Money, Spiritual, Master, Protective, love, Attraction:

	0-3	Less Powerful
	4-6	More Powerful
	7-10	Most Powerful
For Karmic:

	0-3	Karmic Debt
	4-6	Neutral
	7-10	Karmic Credit
For Blocks:

	0-3	Less Challenging
	4-6	Challenging
	7-10	Most Challenging
For Mirror: If two numbers are in opposition they reflect a mirror, for example, 42 and 24. this aspect in an individual or compatibility chart is complimentary. Opposites attract and flatter each other. Single, double, triple, and quadruple mirror powers are possible.

For Magic: If two numbers in a chart add to 100 or 111, this makes a magic connection. In an individual chart the person is bestowed with tremendous and sensational charisma and charm. In a compatibility chart the twosome would be spellbound, enthralled and fascinated with each other. Single, double, triple and quadruple magic powers are possible.

For Soul: If one of your natural numbers is the same it makes a soul connection with yourself. The factor strengthens an individual's chart. One sixth of your personality is the same.

Partner Compatibility Analysis Reading
Anna Marie Richards 8/13/1977
Charles Anthony Stevens 3/28/1973

All relationships have their strengths and weaknesses. No relationship is perfect. Thousands of analyses have been studied over fifteen years of research and development with astonishing results. When two people connect, a certain chemistry combines. These profiles are designed to give you a personalized compatibility analysis of the relationship, as well as each person's individualized reading.

Vibe Interpretations for
Anna Marie Richards
Charles Anthony Stevens

Net Points

0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10

You have Extra Power

Single Soul Connection

Single Mirror Power

Partner Compatibility Connections

The following paragraphs detail the results of the trait analysis of Anna Marie Richards and Charles Anthony Stevens's combined charts. These are chosen from a total of 36 possible traits.

Important note: When a statement occurs and is followed by an opposite or contradictory statement, it means that a balance is being created and these traits may appear for short periods of time, but not permanently.

Most Important Traits (three or more occurances):

06.Harmony sets the rhythm for Anna and Charles. Romantic, this hand holding pair delights and rejoices by candlelight. Dancing the night away, they embrace and celebrate in their home sweet home.
09.Anna and Charles are either meditating or at a charitable event. A spiritual duo, they enlighten each other devoutly. Humanitarian connection brings benevolence and good will to both parties.

More Important Traits (two occurences):

15.Curious and mischievous Anna and Charles like to tantalize each other. Performing tricks and maneuvering each other devours their appetite for game playing. "You get what you want, but you pay the price" sets the rules for this team.
78.Having a family reunion are Anna and Charles. Kindred spirits, this couple is always entertaining and assisting relatives financially. Profits and funding are well aspected for this pair, accumulating assets and properties.

Important Traits (one occurence)

03.Fun, frolic, and merriment highlight this association. Spur of the moment impulsiveness creates a natural playground for Anna and Charles. Conversations and discussions can keep this pair chit chatting the night away.
04.Solid like a rock gives Anna and Charles stability and consistency. Firm and fixed maintains an organized and sound environment. Planned and arranged this couple seeks order and continuity.
07.By the ocean, these two are watching and listening to the sounds of the waves. There they are, Anna and Charles, running briskly near the water. As a finale, both are intensely absorbed reading their favorite author.
100.The sparks are flying around Anna and Charles. Glowing and radiant, they emit a brilliance of light. Magic fills the room and everything comes alive. Captivated and engrossed , they are immersed in each other's eyes.
12.Variety and diversity give Anna and Charles a lust for life. Excitement and thrills are triggered by change and transformation. A deep and psychological aura casts a white shadow around this duo.
13.Passionate and fiery, Anna and Charles emit sexy vibes. They will burn the candle at both ends until all the wax has melted. Bring all the fire engines in the station if you want to put this fire out.
41.Abundance and fertility bring Anna and Charles love sweet love. Emotionally highly charged, this couple perceives and internalizes feelings and sentiments. Demonstrative and outgoing they are affectionate and responsive.
43.Celebrate and rejoice for Anna and Charles. Attuned and in sync, this couple can read each other's thoughts. Sensitive and conscious of the other's desires and wishes present them with extra perception and insight.
44.Work and organization keep Anna and Charles busy and absorbed. A strong bond links this couple like an adhesive. Always re-evaluating and reassessing denotes extreme analytical and systematic associations.
49.All the ducks are in a row for Anna and Charles. Established and secure this unit is steadfast and rigid. I see a house, a picket fence, two cars, a dog, and a child on the way.
51.Justified and righteous are the spirits of Anna and Charles.This pair exhibits honesty and integrity. Virtue and morality can cause verbal friction and conflict, however, with the best intentions.
52.In the ozone layer are Anna and Charles. Meditating and entranced are this cosmic couple. Spellbound and bewitched are this spiritually united pair.
55.Fatal attraction for Anna and Charles bonds and cements. A wild and tempting fascination and enticement. A potent physical and mental attachment, they seduce each other.
57.Emotional outbursts and turmoil could be triggered by Anna and Charles. Excitable eruptions could cause disruption and division. Triangles involving people or interests could produce agitation.
58.Drained and depleted of energy are Anna and Charles. Wasted and dissipated both parties need to rest and revive their body and mind. This couple may need separate vacations and/or space periodically to rejuvenate and revitalize.
64.Depression and despair are part of Anna and Charles's package. Downhearted and low summarizes responses sometimes transpired. Despondent and melancholy describes reactions triggered by this couple.
70.Juggling their schedules are Anna and Charles. Mysterious and secretive mark this paradoxical pair as obscure and cryptic, Concealing and camouflaging their activities, they are always doing a balancing act.
72.Serving dinner to the homeless are Anna and Charles. Although they are secure financially, they may not flaunt and display their achievements. Benevolent and humane, they give with their hearts rather than their pocketbook.
73.Insecure and worrying about the bills are Anna and Charles. Vulnerable and feeling unprotected this relationship suffers from pessimism and doubt. A shortage or lack of funds may be characteristic for this unit.
75.Starting over are Anna and Charles. Beginning where they left off, this team is always rehashing and revamping their agenda. Modification and change direct the energies of this pair.
76.Fatigued and overworked are Anna and Charles. Tired and weary from the drain and strain of each other this couple needs a sabbatical. A revolution or turn of events can change and revive their spirits.
88.Counting the money on their tree is Anna and Charles. A dynamic business duo they could start an empire. Sturdy and vigorous this team has stamina and intensity.

Personal Reading
Anna Marie Richards

All humans have strengths and weaknesses. No person is perfect. We have analyzed thousands of people, devoting over 15 years of research and development with astonishing results. Your individual profile reflects personal power. The minute you connect with another person your chart changes. Some individuals will empower your chart. Other individuals will reduce your power.

Individual Vibe Interpretation for
Anna Marie Richards

Net Points

0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10

You have Extra Power

Single Mirror Power

Personality Reading for Anna Marie Richards

Destiny:  Extremist 12
This is the Cinderella number. A mere ordinary maiden turned into a beautiful princess. Twelve determines the time change. Half of the day has ended. Twelve means reversal of thought. As Cinderella was in transition at midnight, so are the twelve's. In suspension, of the glass slipper marks the twelve's. Another example is the Fortune 500 executive who one day announces his resignation to pursue a quiet existence in the mountains.

Spirit:  Inspiration 27
Tinkerbell, Peter Pan's savior has to be a twenty seven. Selfless, inspiring, exhilarating, designates the spirit and sparks of the twenty seven. Permit yourself to be sprinkled with fairy dust. Your soul will be uplifted. Strong intuition and discernment allow the twenty seven to pierce through the veils of their family and acquaintances. Their intense personality is not to be feared. They emit positive and affirmative vibes.

Projection:  Heartbreak 57
Who's that person wearing their emotions on their sleeve? It's the fifty seven. Mental anguish and pain besiege their emotions and feelings. An outstanding performance gives the Academy Award to the fifty seven. Exceptional and first class portrayals, their theatrics finale with a standing ovation. Triangles often cause much of their anxiety and despair. Humorous and witty, their life is a comedy of errors. Heart and soul, there's never a dull moment.

Communication:  Disappointment 45
Who is the person who is carrying the weight of others on his shoulders? It's the forty five. Plagued by discontent, letdown, and regret the silhouette is cast down. Family pressure and problems create situations that force them to be the donor and rarely the recipient. Devotion and attachment oblige the forty five's to sympathize with others and bear the brunt of their problems. Difficult situations and issues are part of the normal lifestyle of these humanitarians. Shirley Mac Laine has a forty five in her chart.

Motivation:  The World 21
Looking for a traveling companion? Choose your acquaintance with a twenty one. They will spot the prime restaurants and the main attractions. Amusing, curious, sophisticated, and flexible constitutes the twenty one as the four star tourists. Excellent vibe for a travel agent, stewardess, pilot, and explorer. Mobile and changeable, characterize the yen for travel. Visually stimulated the twenty one seeks unfamiliar territory to wet his appetite. Blackjack wins the pot.

Emotion:  Intense 13
Superstition brands the thirteen's. Lucky or unlucky to possess a thirteen. Conceivably both traits are present. Thorough, concentrated, and heavy represent the emotional structure of the thirteen. Heightened by deep feelings the thirteen can be fierce and furious, stopping at nothing to accomplish their goals. Consumed by reconstructing the condition, the thirteen ensues 'til the end. Then it's on to the next. A sexy vibe that emits passion and fire.

Trait Readings for
Anna Marie Richards
(15 total traits)

Important note: When a statement occurs and is followed by an opposite or contradictory statement, it means that a balance is being created and these traits may appear for short periods of time, but not permanently.

Most Important Traits (three or more occurances):

No occurences

More Important Traits (two occurences):

06.Anna Marie Richards is a real sweetheart. Affectionate and lovable you adore and cherish friendship. Family intimacy and commitment top the list of your priorities.
12.Craving variety and diversity is Anna Marie Richards. A gourmet appetite for transformation, you want a new menu everyday. Stifled by the same song you require a medley.

Important Traits (one occurence)

03.Anna Marie Richards can talk a blue streak. Articulate and well spoken you enjoy socializing and mingling. Scattered and unpredictable, you could appear ambiguous and misleading.
111.Anna Marie Richards did it all alone. An incredible self achiever, you managed to bestow victory and trump by your actions. Nothing stops the ambition and aspiration of this superego.
16.Another stroke of genius hits Anna Marie Richards. Impulsive and spontaneous, inspirations guide you to discover and authenticate original and unique ideas. A thrust of prodigy engulfs the brains like a power surge but don't short circuit.
34.Anna Marie Richards raced so swiftly by I hardly knew who it was. High speed and accelerated movements keep you motorized even while standing. Always on the go, you barely stop to breathe.
40.Orderly and neat is Anna Marie Richards. Alphabetizing and cataloguing, you are recording and coding data. Rules and discipline, control the structure and framework of your home and workplace.
48.Cool and distant is Anna Marie Richards. Detached and mystical you are a puzzle and mystery. Expeditions and journey accent your need to travel and see the world.
58.Taxed and weary is Anna Marie Richards. Stress and pressure drain your energies. Rest and solitude are vital to rejuvenate your spirit and drive.
66.Cosmopolitan and sophisticated is Anna Marie Richards. A fabulous entertainer and master of ceremonies, you are very hospitable and sociable. Publishing and writing are possible careers.
70.Juggling and balancing is Anna Marie Richards. Traveling by land, sea, and air, you mysteriously get to the right place at the right time. Hidden motives conceal your intentions.
72.Charitable and benevolent is Anna Marie Richards. Generosity and kindness label you the good Samaritan. With your outdated wardrobe, you are not a fashion plate.
78.At the family reunion is Anna Marie Richards. A domestic and fun loving spirit that desires to amass a fortune. This signifies family business and money closely associated and linked.

Timing Vibes Reading for Anna Marie Richards

First Year Information for Anna Marie Richards: Magnetize 24

Draw all forces and energies to you. Dynamic and effective now, pull out all your stops. You can maneuver the advantages to your benefit. Attract and impel the current to shift toward your direction. Encourage circumstances to flow and circulate your space. Arrange parties and social events that will persuade influential friends of your charm, wit, and intelligence. Broaden your range of events. Hit the social and business scene. Network and you will draw whomever and whatever is necessary.

Year Vibes for Anna Marie Richards,8/13/2001-8/13/2002

Net Points

0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10

First Cycle Information for Anna Marie Richards: Inspire 27
A rousing and stirring period uplifts your higher self and sets you on a more spiritual plane. Time to spread the good word, and influence the pathways of others. Dynamic and emphatic, you could champion an individual cause. Lead off and support a charity or good will event. Convince patrons to aid the crusade. Generate excitement and enthusiasm. Chip in and contribute. The rewards will be intrinsic.

First Cycle Vibes for Anna Marie Richards,8/13/2001-12/13/2001

Net Points

0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10

You have Extra Power

Single Soul Connection

Second Cycle Information for Anna Marie Richards: Detach 48
Time for a change of address or a new job or both. Disconnect and move on. Traveling is in the picture now. A trip is just what the psychic orders. New surroundings and fresh faces will revitalize and revive your state of mind. There are issues and problems brewing. You are going to be forced to withdraw. Being indifferent and aloof during this time is very beneficial for you. Let go of control and power struggles. They will only cause you pain and anguish.

Second Cycle Vibes for Anna Marie Richards,12/13/2001-4/13/2002

Net Points

0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10

Third Cycle Information for Anna Marie Richards: Cheer 30
A bright, happy, and sunny time to applaud. That castle in the sky can belong to you. Many children are born during this vibration. A delightful and cheerful celebration is waiting in the wings. A new and more fashionable look becomes you now. Take time to alter and vary your appearance. Change your hairdo. Select a new wardrobe. Make sure that you circulate and socialize around town. Compliments are coming your way.

Third Cycle Vibes for Anna Marie Richards,4/13/2002-8/13/2002

Net Points

0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10

Second Year Vibes

Second Year Information for Anna Marie Richards: Pursue 25

Attaining one goal is the most important element for this time span. In hot pursuit, every stone is unturned, every lead is followed, and every clue is dissected. Like a detective, you uncover and run down all the relevant facts. A search warrant is procedure to discover the missing data. A single attempt to accomplish one ambition.

Year Vibes for Anna Marie Richards,8/13/2002-8/13/2003

Net Points

0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10

First Cycle Information for Anna Marie Richards: Choose 29
Make up your mind. The clock is ticking away. A decision must be reached. Will it be door number one, door number two, or door number three? Select and decide before your time is up. This is an association period. A marriage or business partnership could transpire. A span that elicits opportune occasions, social and businesslike. Shape your future by making good choices.

First Cycle Vibes for Anna Marie Richards,8/13/2002-12/13/2002

Net Points

0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10

Second Cycle Information for Anna Marie Richards: Secure 49
This is a time to tighten the reins and fasten your seat belt. Steadiness and soundness dominate this period. Your emotional and physical needs can be satisfied. Surgery or medical attention would improve a health problem. Therapy or groups would benefit the psyche. Marriage for stability is possible. Believing in yourself, makes this a more confident and assured stage. Supply yourself with all that you need. Satisfy what is necessary without being in excess.

Second Cycle Vibes for Anna Marie Richards,12/13/2002-4/13/2003

Net Points

0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10

Third Cycle Information for Anna Marie Richards: Battle 31
Guard against the combat zone. An intense struggle is heating up. Divorce, law suits, and competitive efforts could be brewing. Failing to communicate and declining to compromise may leave you in a very vulnerable position. You may win the battle, but not the war. Encountering hostility, anger, and aggression is classic for this time zone. A challenging and testy period, for all parties involved. Try to be objective. Look for a reasonable and fair outcome that will appease.

Third Cycle Vibes for Anna Marie Richards,4/13/2003-8/13/2003

Net Points

0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10

You have Extra Power

Single Mirror Power

Personal Reading
Charles Anthony Stevens

All humans have strengths and weaknesses. No person is perfect. We have analyzed thousands of people, devoting over 15 years of research and development with astonishing results. Your individual profile reflects personal power. The minute you connect with another person your chart changes. Some individuals will empower your chart. Other individuals will reduce your power.

Individual Vibe Interpretation for
Charles Anthony Stevens

Net Points

0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10

You have Extra Power

Single Mirror Power

Personality Reading for Charles Anthony Stevens

Destiny:  Shrewdness 15
Who is the mischievous, daring and clever one? The fifteen of course all decked out and ready to conquer the world. The desirous, possessive, and greedy nature of the fifteen's cause them to plunge into the quicksand. They get what they want, but they pay the price. Astute and cagey, they are highly skilled in perceiving an easy mark. Slick and sly, they sense the precise moment to sting. Karmic pay back is associated with the fifteen.

Spirit:  Beauty 30
The belle of the ball or that one who is easy on your eyes is positively a thirty. The knockout and the stud must have a thirty somewhere in their chart. If not gorgeous or handsome they have the gift of gab. By the time you finish talking to them, you'll be convinced they are beautiful. Becoming and flattering, they make a marvelous date or partner. Creative and inventive, thirties can achieve numerous accomplishments. Gregarious and sociable they mingle comfortably. Funny and witty they can be the live of the party. Good number for a lawyer, a comedian, a cosmetologist, and a model. In memory of Audrey Hepburn, a great beauty, I call this the Audrey Hepburn number.

Projection:  Heartbreak 57
Who's that person wearing their emotions on their sleeve? It's the fifty seven. Mental anguish and pain besiege their emotions and feelings. An outstanding performance gives the Academy Award to the fifty seven. Exceptional and first class portrayals, their theatrics finale with a standing ovation. Triangles often cause much of their anxiety and despair. Humorous and witty, their life is a comedy of errors. Heart and soul, there's never a dull moment.

Communication:  Victor 51
The warrior and conqueror is the fifty one. A silver tongue and a suit of armor wins the contest and competition. Experiencing triumph and victory, reinforces their strong sense of commitment and justice. Phil Donahue has this number. Upholding truth and fairness explains the convictions of the fifty ones. Law and government are first rate positions for these leaders. Fine orators, they reign supreme in a debate and argument.

Motivation:  Competitor 31
Life is a contest for the thirty ones. Vying and contending for first place they will fight endlessly to reach the top. I call this the battle number. Their strategies include dramatics, simulation, warfare, and sabotage. Outwitting their opponents, the victory can be bittersweet. The conquered may feel cheated and disenchanted by the tactics implored on them. However, the winner and the conqueror is surveying the next conquest.

Emotion:  Tycoon 28
Getting right down to business, are the twenty eight's. Enterprising, ambitious and aggressive directs the actions of the twenty eight's. Industry, commerce, and trade devour the lives of these entrepreneurs. Captain of his ship, he navigates directly on course. Taking pride and dignity with everything on board being shipshape. This front runner could amass a for tune only to become shipwrecked. However, as dismal as it appears he recovers. Launching ahead toward new ports.

Trait Readings for
Charles Anthony Stevens
(15 total traits)

Important note: When a statement occurs and is followed by an opposite or contradictory statement, it means that a balance is being created and these traits may appear for short periods of time, but not permanently.

Most Important Traits (three or more occurances):

09.Caring and worrying about the universe describes Charles Anthony Stevens as a humanitarian. Idealistic and altruistic, you preach and lecture to mankind. Somewhat of a hermit, you may isolate and separate from the maddening crowd to recharge.

More Important Traits (two occurences):

10.Vacillating and wavering over a judgment is Charles Anthony Stevens. Your personality runs the gamut from A to Z. Changeable, your short lived plans are bound to shift.

Important Traits (one occurence)

07.By the water delighting in the panoramic view is Charles Anthony Stevens. Inspired and stirred by your surroundings, environment rules your disposition. The love of race cars, running, and boats sets your pace.
12.Craving variety and diversity is Charles Anthony Stevens. A gourmet appetite for transformation, you want a new menu everyday. Stifled by the same song you require a medley.
13.Superstitious and captivated by the supernatural is Charles Anthony Stevens. Focused on altering and reconstructing conditions and elements is this taskmaster. Intensified and complicated by heightened feelings you are passionate.
15.Practical jokester and prankster is Charles Anthony Stevens. Game playing and trickery entertain and amuse this devilish personality. You may gain, but you endure the pain.
16.Another stroke of genius hits Charles Anthony Stevens. Impulsive and spontaneous, inspirations guide you to discover and authenticate original and unique ideas. A thrust of prodigy engulfs the brains like a power surge but don't short circuit.
58.Taxed and weary is Charles Anthony Stevens. Stress and pressure drain your energies. Rest and solitude are vital to rejuvenate your spirit and drive.
59.Telling secrets is Charles Anthony Stevens. Letting the cat out of the bag is one of your faults, however, you do what is advantageous and profitable.
61.Running from reality is Charles Anthony Stevens. Feeling ripped off and used causes you to flee rather than try to work matters through. An eccentric and original personality you are perfect as the absent minded professor.
88.Telling everyone what to do is Charles Anthony Stevens. Dominant and assertive, you like total control and power. An excellent business mind that never stops creating and cashing in.

Timing Vibes Reading for Charles Anthony Stevens

First Year Information for Charles Anthony Stevens: Haste 34

A rather testy stretch is ahead. Vulnerable and prone to rushing, you could be going around in circles. Rash decisions might lead you astray. Guard against damage and harm by using caution. Careless and reckless acts will bring troubles. Watch for minor health problems and legal obstacles. You could get yourself into some hot water. Good time to take a trip or travel. Communication and messages are plentiful. People that have been distant will be in touch.

Year Vibes for Charles Anthony Stevens,3/28/2001-3/28/2002

Net Points

0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10

First Cycle Information for Charles Anthony Stevens: Battle 31
Guard against the combat zone. An intense struggle is heating up. Divorce, law suits, and competitive efforts could be brewing. Failing to communicate and declining to compromise may leave you in a very vulnerable position. You may win the battle, but not the war. Encountering hostility, anger, and aggression is classic for this time zone. A challenging and testy period, for all parties involved. Try to be objective. Look for a reasonable and fair outcome that will appease.

First Cycle Vibes for Charles Anthony Stevens,3/28/2001-7/28/2001

Net Points

0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10

You have Extra Power

Single Soul Connection

Second Cycle Information for Charles Anthony Stevens: Uncover 54
Observe, analyze, and relate the elements and circumstances in fine print detail. A blow by blow description is necessary to report accurately. Investigate and explore all potential leads. The truth needs to emerge. Study information closely and systematically. Hire a detective to inquire, explore, and acquire new information. Look into and probe leads and clues. Search every cubbyhole and corner for the missing link. The mystery needs to be solved. The hidden nine denotes completion. Minor health problems could appear during this period.

Second Cycle Vibes for Charles Anthony Stevens,7/28/2001-11/28/2001

Net Points

0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10

You have Extra Power

Single Magic Power

Third Cycle Information for Charles Anthony Stevens: Sacrifice 33
Other's needs will supersede yours during this period. Significant tasks and duties are forcing you to assist. You may have to change residency. Marriage and love may be put to the test. Responsibilities are burdensome and tiring. You will be obligated to perform services beyond the call of duty. Exhausted and fatigued, you will be have to recharge your battery. A victim of circumstances, do what you have to do.

Third Cycle Vibes for Charles Anthony Stevens,11/28/2001-3/28/2002

Net Points

0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10

Second Year Vibes

Second Year Information for Charles Anthony Stevens: Inherit 35

The estate is settled. Compute and tally out. You're in the money now. Great period for easy money. A lump sum could be yours for the asking. It is not unusual to gain during this span with an unearned fortune. Inheritance, insurance, law suit, and lottery are some of the instances. Business could flourish and expand. Luck is on your side. Past life achievements will be recognized now. What you did not gain previously is endowed now.

Year Vibes for Charles Anthony Stevens,3/28/2002-3/28/2003

Net Points

0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10

First Cycle Information for Charles Anthony Stevens: Sacrifice 33
Other's needs will supersede yours during this period. Significant tasks and duties are forcing you to assist. You may have to change residency. Marriage and love may be put to the test. Responsibilities are burdensome and tiring. You will be obligated to perform services beyond the call of duty. Exhausted and fatigued, you will be have to recharge your battery. A victim of circumstances, do what you have to do.

First Cycle Vibes for Charles Anthony Stevens,3/28/2002-7/28/2002

Net Points

0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10

Second Cycle Information for Charles Anthony Stevens: Revise 55
Amend and revamp the new version of your life. Rewrite your script. Restore and rectify that which has been forgotten. Bring yourself back to life. Rouse that spirit and energy that has been lying dormant. Revive and reactivate your brain cells and libido. A period of rebirth and clarification. The divine spark and life force want to be recharged. Conquer and overcome and you will be victorious once again. Honor and distinction will grace you now.

Second Cycle Vibes for Charles Anthony Stevens,7/28/2002-11/28/2002

Net Points

0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10

Third Cycle Information for Charles Anthony Stevens: Haste 34
A rather testy stretch is ahead. Vulnerable and prone to rushing, you could be going around in circles. Rash decisions might lead you astray. Guard against damage and harm by using caution. Careless and reckless acts will bring troubles. Watch for minor health problems and legal obstacles. You could get yourself into some hot water. Good time to take a trip or travel. Communication and messages are plentiful. People that have been distant will be in touch.

Third Cycle Vibes for Charles Anthony Stevens,11/28/2002-3/28/2003

Net Points

0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10

Glossary of Terms

Blocks: Some numbers or number connections produce blocks. Blocks are challenges and lessons that we can work through. The more blocks in a chart the harder the task.
Chart: An orderly display of data computed by the birth date and original name on the birth certificate. A design of numbers plotted by the information and knowledge provided. This strategy determines the personality and future of the individual.
Communication: The day, plus the month, plus the year decide One sixth of the chart. How a person puts ideas, beliefs, and values into words determines their modus operandi. Messages and expressions are imparted and conveyed in a variety of ways. Gestures, facial expressions, and body language add to the dynamics of spreading the word.
Destiny: One sixth of the chart is decided by the numerical value of the vowels pus the consonants. How the outside world looks at you is reflected by the destiny number. An outer number, it camouflages and disguises your actual personality. The destiny number brings external forces into your life that is a challenge to control.
Double Digit Birthdays: Extra power is assigned to a birthday with the same number for the month and day, for example, 1/1, 2/2, 12/12, etc.
Emotion: One sixth of your chart is decided by the day you were born. This number determines your head set ability of thinking, reasoning, acquiring and applying knowledge. Intelligence and logic are dictated by this digit. Your thought processes characterize this aspect of your personality.
Extra Power: Soul, mirror, magic, and double, triple, and quadruple vibes (found on the birthday) are added together from the chart or charts to give extra power.
First Cycle: A cycle can power or delineate the strength of your personal year. The first cycle occurs after your birthday and is in your chart for four months.
Karmic: What goes around comes around! The debt you have incurred individually or with another is tallied through your karmic numbers. Past and present experiences reflect positive and negative karma. Lessons, challenges and gifts bestowed upon the owner. Karmic pay back is indicative to many individuals. Clearing your karma, means settling the score. The lower the karma the more the karmic debt. The higher the karma the more karmic credit.
Love: Your ability to feel closely tied to another is measured by your love numbers. Love represents emotions, family, friends, socialization, and harmony. The love power of your compatibility is calculated by the combinations of the charts together.
Lover's Vibes: Measures how congenial and consistent you are with your lover. A lover's profile blends and merges the six natural numbers of the two lovers together. A matrix generates the results. The matrix created by the two charts creates the lover's compatibility.
Magic: If two numbers in a chart add to 100 or 111, this makes a magic connection. In an individual chart the person is bestowed with tremendous and sensational charisma and charm. In a compatibility chart the twosome would be spellbound, enthralled and fascinated with each other.
Master: Master numbers are double and triple digits that repeat the same number two or three times. For example, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 111, or 222. This double and triple configuration emits expert and proficient skills to the owner. The more master number connections, the higher degree of knowledge and skill. More power is given to a number that contains the same strength rather than two different numbers. For example, 22 is stronger than 23, in a compatibility it denotes a link, bond, tie and attachment.
Master Vibes: Measures how congenial and consistent you are with yourself. An individual profile that blends and merges your energies together. A matrix generates the results. The matrix plus the six natural numbers in your chart create self-compatibility.
Mirror: If two numbers are in opposition they reflect a mirror, for example, 42 and 24. This aspect in an individual or compatibility chart is complimentary. Opposites attract and flatter each other.
Money: Numbers that relate and connect business and financial gains are money numbers. Money represents business opportunities and career. The material world is emphasized by the points on the graph.
Motivation: One sixth of your chart is decided by the day plus the month you were born. This number determines what inspires and stimulates your actions, the catalyst, impetus, and incentive that puts you in motion, animating, enlivening, and rousing stimulant that triggers your psyche. For example some people are motivated by easy money. Others are motivated by a spiritual pathway.
Natural Numbers: The six numbers that create a chart are: emotion, motivation, communication, spirit, projection, and destiny. These numbers are derived from your birth date and original name on the birth certificate. The natural numbers do not change.
Numerology: Numerology is the power of numbers, mathematically calculated and designated to shape a personality chart and predict the past, present and future. Numbers are assigned a significance and value. The Your Key Secrets system implements the numbers 1-78. This method relates directly with a Tarot card deck. Many numerologists utilize only the numbers one through nine. Implementing a system of seventy-eight numbers is more accurate and descriptive. For example, there are eight different number nines: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, and 72. Each number represents a distinct and individual importance.
Personal Year: Your personal year begins on your birthday. The power of that vibration remains in your chart until your birthday changes. A number is assigned to that year that represents the force and potency of your year. A new birthday brings another number that changes and influences your life accordingly.
Projection: One sixth of the chart is decided by the numerical value of the consonants. How a person sees himself or herself, their self-esteem is reflected by the projection number. An inner number, it covers and is not transparent to outsiders.
Protective: A zero at the end of a number adds a protective power to the chart. A safeguard or shield is cast around the owner. The more power the more protection. In a compatibility chart, it denotes defending and watching over each other.
Quadruple Digit Birthdays: Extra power is assigned to any birthday with the same number four times for the month and day, for example, 11/11.
Second Cycle: The second cycle occurs after the first four-month cycle and is in your chart for the next four months.
Attraction: When you're hot you're hot. The power of your chart is individually reflected by the strength of your sex connections. Sex also represents vitality, fitness, endurance, passion, and desire. The sex power of your compatibility is measured by the combinations of the charts together.
Soul: If one of your natural numbers is the same it makes a soul connection with yourself. That factor strengthens an individual's chart. If one of your natural numbers matches another person's it creates a soul mate connection. One sixth of your personality is the same. It is possible to have three soul connections from their birthday. This means one half of their natural numbers are the same. However, their name numbers, matrix and vibe power can differ tremendously. Soul mate connections add power to compatibility.
Spirit: One sixth of the chart is decided by the numerical value of the vowels in the name. This aspect of the personality is hidden. An inner number, it conceals the genuine, true nature, and disposition. The essence of the being is reflected by the spirit number.
Spiritual: The divine sparks and vital life forces are energized by the spiritual vibes. Heart and soul connect individually or between two humans. The psyche joins to make a head connection.
Third Cycle: The third cycle occurs four months before your next birthday and this cycle would be in your chart for four months.
Timing: Life is a constant change. Numerology bestows gifts of time and challenges. If your timing is blocked, the Your Key Secrets system makes you aware that you may have obstacles to overcome.
Timing Vibes: Everything in the universe is in numerical order. Therefore your life follows a certain sequence. The power of this period appears in a graphical form.
Traits: Symbolic characteristics and features that define and interpret the number, for example, 39 represents the sweet talker.
Triple Digit Birthdays: Extra power is assigned to any birthday with the same number three times for the month and day, for example, 1/11, 2/22, and 11/1.
Vibe Power: Classifies the matrix plus the six natural numbers into categories for the Master Vibes. Classifies the matrix for the Lover's Vibes. The categories are: money, soul, spiritual, karmic, master, protective, love, sex, mirror, magic, and blocks. In addition the numbers are converted to a scale of 0-10. Each category is totaled and graphed with 1 being the lowest and 10 the highest.
Vibes: A reaction elicited by a stimulus. An action intensified by a response. This slang expression denotes immediate and direct feelings, intuitions, and impressions. Firsthand and primary signals are experienced. Sensations and sensitivities are perceived and internalized. For example, the idiom, "I could feel it in my bones".

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