The reports are personalized exclusively for the person(s) ordering the report (s). Therefore there is NO REFUND. Replacement for an inaccurate entry or technical problem is 100% guaranteed. Please email problem to or call our customer service number 1 954 423-8004 or Mail us with your correct information to Mailing address USA, YourKeySecrets, Inc., 2160 East Fry Blvd. C5 – 593 Sierra Vista, AZ 85635 and YourKeySecrets, Inc. will email to you a corrected report(s). YourKeySecrets, Inc. will verify your order and payment and forwarded the corrected report (s) within 24 hours.
YourKeySecrets, Inc. guarantees that any personal information, including but not limited to: exact names at birth, birth dates, email addresses,contents of the report(s), will be kept totally private and used exclusively for the purpose of generating free destiny readings, the customer ordered report(s) and the emailing of actual copies of the ordered reports to the customer upon ordering or free destiny reading. The actual email address could be used in the future to announce any new products offered by YourKeySecrets, Inc. No information would be shared with any third parties
Your Key Secrets guarantees that as a source for wisdom and insight in your search for a solution to the mystery underlying the constant motion and change in the universe, you will receive an explicit answer that isolates the moment and predicts the future. The answer you receive may amaze you, it may even shock you into finally taking the necessary steps to change your life forever. For all of us who believe in the cosmos and are guided by the forces of the universe, the answers from the Your Key Secrets may be the very information that brings us to our own destiny. If, for any reason, whether from technical difficulties at your end or ours, your consultation is interrupted, the Your Key Secrets guarantees to restore all lost information to complete your answer.
For the curious who consult Your Key Secrets purely for entertainment, we guarantee to treat your inquiry with the same consideration shown to those who wish to align themselves with universal forces in their effort to learn the truth. If it is simply the entertainment value you seek, you will surely find it. However, if you consider the answers you receive with an open mind, don't be surprised if what appears as coincidence eventually becomes the truth.
The ideas and insights shared by Your Key Secrets are available to everyone, but, remember, whenever the words hold a special meaning with regard to your question, those words were meant for you.